April 7


a wonderful day to enjoy some fresh bread.

“I am the bread of life.”  John 6:48 NIV

Everlasting life. That is what Jesus offered the world. There was no hinting around about it; the Lord came right out and said it.

“I am the living bread that came down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” (John 6:51 NIV).

What a remarkable gift was given to us! Many of us have “eaten” the living bread, which means we have accepted Christ into our lives. We have experienced a tremendous uplifting feeling that comes about from the Holy Spirit flooding into our bodies and sinful desire and immorality flowing out. We have known the joy of feeling safe and secure, confident that the Lord was with us, watching over us constantly. We have read our Bibles daily, taken refuge in the Word of God, and used it to inspire, guide and motivate us.

How glorious has been the feeling that consumes us and how relaxing it has been to be filled with peace, joy, and a desire to be a good person; a desire to help those less fortunate than ourselves; a desire to share our happiness and our belief in the Lord’s promise of everlasting life with others.

Yes, how spectacular life on earth became when we accepted Christ and “ate” the bread of life.

And then life got in the way.

We felt good about ourselves and the way things were going. God had blessed us and everything was going our way. Our lackluster lives picked up momentum and as we gained speed moving forward, we found we had precious little time to accomplish all of the things that had come about due to our relationship with God.

Things were going well, but we found that the things of this earth were requiring more and more of our attention. The time had to come from somewhere, so we “borrowed” it from God, figuring we would pay it back later.

But later never came. In fact, more and more time was needed, so it came from the time we spent reading the Bible and praying; from the time we spent in fellowship with others; and the time we spent helping those less fortunate.

It also came from the time we had to love our spouses and families.

If this sounds like you, today is a wonderful day to enjoy some fresh bread. It is a wonderful day to renew your relationship and reaffirm your commitment to the Lord and to His service.

There is nothing better for us in all of God’s creation than to eat the Bread of Life.


Taken from “TODAY IS….A Gift From God”, (C) 2013 Tony Casson

About Tony Casson

" For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)
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